Cryo body-sculpting can aid in the removal of stubborn pockets of subcutaneous fat that are immune to diet and exercise via the cryo-lipolysis process. Cryo-lipolysis works by targeting and cooling the surface of the skin in a matter of seconds (90 degrees F to 39 degrees F) thereby triggering the process of destroying underlying fat cells (apoptosis) without damaging nerves or other body tissues. Days, weeks, and months post-treatment, these fat cells will breakdown and die off. As this happens, they are flushed out of your body as waste or processed through your lymphatic system. Clients often see an instant, visible results which is the effect of first flattening the fat cells before they die off. Single areas can be treated as often as once a week thereby delivering a comfortable and efficient alternative to traditional surgical and other body sculpting procedures.
It is important to note that while the results are permanent as the fat cells die off, new fat cells can appear without a healthy diet, exercise and maintenance.
Benefits can include:
Cellulite smoothing
Glute lift
Abdominal sculpting
Loose "baby belly" tightening
Arm, neck and leg sculpting
Breast lift/reduction

Before your first appointment, please fill out our waiver. Each therapy has its own set of contraindications and requires its own waiver. A link to this waiver is included in your appointment confirmation email.
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. Upon arrival you will be greeted by our knowledgable staff who will answer any questions you may have and escort you to your touchless service(s).

Cryo Body-Sculpting
Cryo-lipolysis, also known as "fat freezing", was discovered by two scientists at Harvard who noticed that some children who sucked on popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. They discovered that freezing temperatures can target fat cells without damaging the skin.
HOW DO I PREPARE FOR MY FLOAT? (FIRST TIME FLOATING GUIDE)The following introductory video will share everything you need to know about your float experience at Imagine Float or click here to view our First Time Floating Guide.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I USE FLOATATION THERAPY?At the very minimum float therapy should be practiced once a month. This is considered “maintenance.” Initially, most find success with 3 floats in a 30 day period that then progresses to a monthly maintenance program. If however, you are struggling with chronic stress, anxiety, depression, or a physical ailment in which the underlying condition can be supported with float therapy, we will definitely recommend our weekly float program for 6 weeks or our 2 week intensive float program that then allows you to progress to a customized maintenance program. We always recommend a Free Consultation with our knowledgeable staff to best guide you in your decision making.
WHAT DO I BRING?A brush or comb. If you wear contact lenses, bring your case and solution to store them while floating. Additionally, anything you would want post-shower (special face cream or deodorant, for example). We supply everything else, towels, robes, ear plugs and hair dryers. We even supply shampoo, conditioner and body wash.
WHAT IF I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC?No worries! Floating in our cabins is much like floating in an oversized bath tub. You’re always in control of your environment. You may prop the door open with a small towel and/or keep the light on. Check out our video that addresses your concerns if you are claustrophobic. Be sure to mention to our Float Specialist your concerns when you arrive. We've got all sorts of tips and tricks to facilitate a positive experience.
WILL THE SALT WATER AFFECT MY HAIR TREATMENTS?We ask that you wait to float for at least TWO weeks after having a hair color treatment. Make sure that the water runs clear when you shower. If you have a Keratin treatment, a Brazilian blow-out or any other hair treatment about which you may be concerned, we recommend you check with your hair stylist regarding the effects the salt water may have on your treatment. Additionally, while it’s not a perfect solution, we do provide swim caps of various sizes to keep your hair covered as much as possible during your float. Simply ask a float specialist for a swim cap upon your arrival.
HOW ARE THE TANKS CLEANED?There is over 1,000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our float cabins. The solution is so high in saline that no living microorganism can survive in there. Despite that, after each session, the entire volume of the solution is pumped out and filtered through a three-part filtration and sterilization system utilizing ultraviolet light, injected with ozone and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). UV is the safest most effective system available. In addition, all clients are required to be 100% clean prior to entering the tank. Watch our video to learn more.
WILL MY SKIN WRINKLE?Actually, no! The Epsom salt in the water is a natural skin emollient. Your skin should feel silky smooth at the end of your float session.
WHAT IF I FALL ASLEEP?No worries. Lots of people fall asleep. The water is so dense with epsom salt you naturally stay afloat. It's actually quite difficult to roll over. At the end of your float session a light and recording come on to alert you that your float has ended. This always wakes our sleeping clients.
CAN I BRING A FRIEND?Absolutely. We have three float cabins available. You can all float at the same time in separate cabins and then chat about your similar or dissimilar experiences in our relaxation room before entering back into the “real world.”
IS THE WATER HOT LIKE A SPA?No. The water is warmed and kept to skin receptor neutral temperature, 94 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s not hot and it’s not cold. It should feel just right. At the end of your float session, our float specialist will get your feedback as to temperature. Each of our float rooms are customizable. We track exactly what your room temperature, water temperature and humidity is every time you are here. We know exactly what you like.
ARE THERE ANY NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS?There are no negative side-effects. All the effects of deep sensory relaxation are wholly beneficial and work simultaneously on a physical, mental and emotional level.
DO I BRING MY BATHING SUIT?We do not recommend wearing a swimsuit as this presses against the body and takes away from the effects of reducing all sensory stimulation. Each of our float rooms are private and have locking doors. We suggest floating in your birthday suit. Think of it as just getting into a nice warm, soothing bath.
WHAT IS EPSOM SALT?Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulphate and is non-toxic. It has been used for centuries for its healing properties. It raises the density of the water making you float and it softens your skin. It’s also great to soak in if you have a magnesium deficiency.
WILL I HAVE ENOUGH AIR IN THE FLOAT ROOM?Yes. There is plenty of venitilation in the float cabin.
WHAT IF I HAVE A SMALL CUT ON MY BODY?No problmem. We provide petroleum jelly/a&d ointment for you to use. This will be enough of a protective barrrier to prevent the salt water from stinging.
WHAT IF I GET SALT WATER IN MY EYES?We provide all of our floaters with a wash cloth and fresh water bottle in their cabin in case this happens. Simply dampen the wash cloth with the fresh water and dab your eyes.
CAN I FLOAT IF I'M PREGNANT?Absolutley! Not only can floating reduce general aches and pains that pregnancy brings on but some women find that floating strengthens the bond with baby in utero. We simply ask that you wait until you are out of your first trimester but have not yet reached your third trimester. As with any medical condition, we always ask that you consult with your doctor to be absolutely sure and/or if you have concerns.
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